Temperature Conversion Error Checker

Temperature Conversion Error Checker

The Temperature Conversion Error Checker is a web-based tool designed to help users verify the accuracy of their temperature conversions between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. By providing a simple and intuitive interface, this tool enables users to input their initial temperature and converted temperature values, and then checks if the conversion is correct based on the formulas and standards for temperature conversion. This tool is essential for students, scientists, and professionals who work with temperature conversions in their daily activities.

{ const initialTemperature = parseFloat(initialTemperatureInput.value); const initialUnit = initialUnitSelect.value; const convertedTemperature = parseFloat(convertedTemperatureInput.value); const convertedUnit = convertedUnitSelect.value; if (isNaN(initialTemperature) || isNaN(convertedTemperature)) { resultDiv.innerHTML = '

Please enter valid temperature values.

'; return; } if (initialUnit === convertedUnit) { resultDiv.innerHTML = '

Please select different units for initial and converted temperatures.

'; return; } let convertedValue; switch (initialUnit) { case 'celsius': switch (convertedUnit) { case 'fahrenheit': convertedValue = initialTemperature * 9 / 5 + 32; break; case 'kelvin': convertedValue = initialTemperature + 273.15; break; } break; case 'fahrenheit': switch (convertedUnit) { case 'celsius': convertedValue = (initialTemperature - 32) * 5 / 9; break; case 'kelvin': convertedValue = (initialTemperature - 32) * 5 / 9 + 273.15; break; } break; case 'kelvin': switch (convertedUnit) { case 'celsius': convertedValue = initialTemperature - 273.15; break; case 'fahrenheit': convertedValue = (initialTemperature - 273.15) * 9 / 5 + 32; break; } break; } if (Math.abs(convertedTemperature - convertedValue) < 0.01) { resultDiv.innerHTML = '

The conversion is correct.

'; } else { resultDiv.innerHTML = `

The conversion is incorrect. The correct converted temperature is ${convertedValue.toFixed(2)} ${getUnitSymbol(convertedUnit)}.

`; } }); function getUnitSymbol(unit) { switch (unit) { case 'celsius': return '°C'; case 'fahrenheit': return '°F'; case 'kelvin': return 'K'; } }
post, Temperature Conversion, Error Checker, Unit Converter, Scientific Calculator, Online Tool,