Little Tiny Tools A Cool Tool For Every Fool

Gradient Calculator

Gradient Calculator

Struggling to find the perfect color combination for your website or design project? Why does picking the right gradient always feel like a guessing game? With the Gradient Calculator, you can create stunning CSS linear gradients in seconds, preview them in real-time, and copy the generated code with just one click. Whether you're designing a sleek landing page or spicing up a presentation, this tool makes gradient creation as easy as picking your favorite colors. Say goodbye to endless tweaking and hello to vibrant, professional designs in no time!

Create and preview CSS linear gradients. Copy the generated code with one click.

How It Works

The Gradient Calculator works by combining two colors and a direction to create a smooth transition between them. Here's the simple formula:

Gradient = Direction + Color 1 + Color 2

You choose the colors and the direction of the gradient, and the tool generates the CSS code instantly. Below is a table showing some common color combinations and their corresponding CSS gradients:

Color 1 Color 2 Direction CSS Gradient
#FF0000 #0000FF To Right linear-gradient(to right, #FF0000, #0000FF)
#00FF00 #FF00FF To Bottom linear-gradient(to bottom, #00FF00, #FF00FF)
#FFFF00 #800080 To Top Right linear-gradient(to top right, #FFFF00, #800080)

10 Common Use Cases for the Gradient Calculator

  1. Website Backgrounds: Create eye-catching backgrounds for your website.
  2. Button Styling: Add gradients to buttons for a modern look.
  3. Header Designs: Enhance headers with smooth color transitions.
  4. Presentation Slides: Use gradients to make slides more visually appealing.
  5. Social Media Graphics: Design stunning graphics with gradient effects.
  6. App Interfaces: Improve app UI with gradient backgrounds.
  7. Print Materials: Add gradients to brochures and flyers.
  8. Email Newsletters: Make emails more engaging with gradient designs.
  9. Logos and Icons: Create dynamic logos and icons with gradients.
  10. Portfolio Websites: Use gradients to highlight sections of your portfolio.
post,CSS,Gradient,Web Design,Frontend,Bootstrap,